Daily Blog

Day 156…

Saturday 3rd February 2018

I was happy to get a lay in until 11ish this morning, when I woke up; I lay on phone for a while as I was too comfy to move. Eventually I surfaced to sort myself some cereal and a cup of tea. Then for some unknown reason probably just because I saw them and fancied it. I put two hot cross buns under the grill before attempting to spread jam over them. I say attempt because it wasn’t very successful spreading. The jam just stayed in lumps😐 not a happy bunny and all Eddie could do was laugh!

Anyhoo I sat and munched two toasted hot cross buns whilst catching up on “Kiri” one of the latest TV dramas. My, my, my what a twist that was. I can honestly say I didn’t see it coming! Very interesting, looking forward to the next episode.

Once Kiri had finished I loaded my laptop to sort out a Valentine’s Day present thing online. I am so excited to see how it turns out! All of that done and dusted, I headed for a shower while Mum and Eddie went to Asda for the weekly food shop. Listening to Ren Stedman on YouTube throughout the entire day amoung a few other bands and artists. Out, dressed and dried, I set up my laptop once again; but this time to do my BSL online course. I plugged in my headphones and worked away until dinner was ready.

Yet again mainly listening to Ren on repeat via Spotify. Mum and Eddie arrived home, unpacked the shopping, then Eddie went for a lay down while Mum cooked dinner and I done my coursework.

Adam arrived home yet I continued with my course. Mum was cooking the chicken then she couldn’t find the korma sauce. It turns out her and Eddie were discussing what size jar they needed, while debating Eddie must have put the jar back on the shelf and they walked away without it. Poor Mum had to nip down to the Co-op to get a jar of korma sauce! So dinner was behind schedule, which wasn’t ideal as I needed to be at work soon.

Alas, finally dinner was ready and it was worth the wait because it was bloody gorgeous!! Shame I had to scoff it and run. Unfortunately I was in a proper shit mood and had been for most of the day. Which clearly meant I was not in the mood for work, serving drunk people until 1am is not my idea of fun – well not in this mood anyway.

Work was pretty slow, not overly busy. Thank fuck for Rich, Emma and Adam coming in; or I would have been bored shitless. Another night full of passers by. My shit mood turned into a good mood then it was ruined again.

Shift ended and Adam and I walked home to Dads. Arriving and plonking myself down on the sofa, had a real good chat with Dad. Although can’t of been that interesting as Adam fell asleep😂🙈….

We headed to bed at 2am, I wrote some of my blogs and then was finally sleepy enough to go to sleep.

Until tomorrow readers.

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