Beyourself · Life · Media · Society

Society and Media…

For some unknown reason a lot of people in this day and age feel like they need to fit in with society; this usually includes people pretending to be something they are not. From a very young age I have never "followed the crowd" or "fit in" but mainly because I chose not to. I… Continue reading Society and Media…


I am a teen mum.


I was 14 years old, going to gigs every weekend and getting drunk, not listening in school, spending my time hanging round the streets. I’d never really had a proper relationship before, only the little kid relationships that last about a month. I didn’t know anything about life or what being an adult entailed. I was just living life as it came and enjoying myself. I was so naive and so immature.

It was a very cold Halloween night in 2012 and as usual, instead of going out and spending Halloween with my family I went to a gig with my two best friends. I met some people who asked if I wanted to be in their band as I’m a drummer. I immediately said yes and got told to add the guitarist on Facebook as he had made the band. We got talking and I thought he was amazing…

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Being in an emotionally abusive relationship


You don’t often hear about emotional abuse, you usually hear more about physical abuse or ‘domestic violence’ as its more commonly known. Headlines often hit the news about people that have been a victim of domestic abuse and have either been severely hurt or even killed because of this.  I agree that things like this should hit the headlines however, it leaves the people suffering emotional abuse wondering why it’s not as much of a deal.

If you have read my previous blog about being a teen mum, you’ll already know that i was in an emotionally abusive relationship with my daughters father.  At the time i was only 14/15 and he was 16/17.  This just goes to show that you can be in any circumstance and still face abuse.  You might see a very seemingly happy elderly couple walking down the street who themselves are in an abusive relationship…

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