Daily Blog

Day 327 – 333….

Monday 23rd July – Sunday 29th July 2018

Okay as you can all probably tell I haven’t been very good at this blog thing for about a month now… My mental health has been absolute shite and I just haven’t had the motivation, spare time or energy to do my blogs.

However I’m now really annoyed at myself for being so shit at it for the past month or two. I feel as if I’ve let myself and you guys (that have stuck by me) down. For that I am sorry but I am going to try and do my best at these blogs by catching up on the past weeks so I don’t have to do a mass one like this again.

Hightlights/main points of the week:

– I went to get my teeth x-rayed. My god are they impacted, seeing that has made me nervous when it comes to getting them out. I dropped the CD off to my Dentist, so hopefully it won’t be long until my referral for that comes through.

– Whilst I was at hospital getting my teeth x-rayed…I went to see if the hospital could replace my knee brace as it is breaking; they told me I’d need to be re-referred for a new one. Like how silly, I still have the same issues, I am currently wearing the broken brace – why can’t they give me a replacement?

– Fiona referred me to a Gastroenterologist because this sickness stomach thing isn’t going. My samples came back clear so there isn’t much more the Doctors Surgery can do.

– My other Doctor still has not referred me to Canada House despite telling me twice he has done😡. So I need to go and speak to him. As both Doctors have told me my new/next lot of medication needs to come from them. So I’m expected to stay on meds that are not working now or what?

– Fiona also kindly referred me back to the hospital for my knee brace god love her. Until then I am back on my crutch😒 which makes things ultra slow.

– Adam being ill is really worrying me, on Tuesday he rang to get his results and they told him he needed to book an appointment with a Doctor to discuss them.

– During the week Reece joined us one night. They were all drinking beer together, winding one another up. It was a funny evening. We were all just chatting, probably over sharing and laughing until midnight!!

– Joseph had his first ever sport’s day!! I was THE proudest Auntie ever. He was such a champ, he came 3rd in one race😁. In other races Joseph cared more about his peers and kept stopping and/or looking to see if they were alright; bless his heart.

– On Friday Adam found out his body isn’t retaining much (if any) B12 which is causing the dizziness, faint feelings, memory loss etc. The Doctor also sent off a referral for a 5 day heart monitor, to see if we can see what this heart thing is. His resting heart rate was 144+ the other day, that is not by any means normal.

– Adam got told it’s best if he doesn’t go to work until they figure out what is going on. However being self employed means no sick pay, so no work, no money.

– Adam has to have B12 injections every 48 hours for 2 weeks. See how he is after that and if he is okay then another one every 3 months.

– Rachael has also been signed off of work which isn’t ideal.

– I am frigging stressed to the max. Everything is going tits up at once and I am so fed up of having multiple things wrong with my body at once – none of which I have an answer or a cure for😭.

– My water bottle fell and burst open all over the floor of the bus. It was cold water straight from the fridge. What a waste😖.

– James’ Christening was a lovely day, Mum and I both wore dresses and to top it off it was in ‘our’ church. I was so happy to be a part of the day. I was really chuffed when Leigh invited us😍. Love her lots!!

– Other than all of that, I feel like shit 100% or the time. However I am still working and looking after the boy so y’ano not all bad.

Life has been hectic and getting on top of me so that blog side of things have slipped massively!! Sorry folks.

Until tomorrow (I hope). I really hope I get back in to the swing of this blog thing; I’m not ready to give up completely on this yet.

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